Nicaragua Rejects Terrorist Attacks Against Russia This Weekend

Russian People paying mourn to the victims of the Attacks in Sebastopol, June 24, 2024 Photo: EFE
June 24, 2024 Hour: 3:35 pm
Nicaragua express deep rejection and condemnation of the criminal terrorist attacks on the Russian Federation
On Monday, the government of the Republic of Nicaragua sent a message of rejection and condemnation against the terrorist attacks carried out this weekend.
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“We express to you our deep rejection and condemnation of the criminal terrorist attacks perpetrated this Weekend in different parts of the Russian Federation,” the statement said.
They also sent condolences to the Russian people for the material and human losses, which have been shot at 4 deads and 150 injured.
In the communiqué, the government of Daniel Ortega described the event as a fascist madness evoking the Nazi and anti-Russian feelings behind the perpetrators of the crime.
“We also express our Condolences and Solidarity with you, your People and all those Brothers who continue to be affected by fascist insanity,” he said.
“Confident that your People and Government are waging certain battles, and building victories, against the most serious threats that are looming against the World and the Human Community, we greet you with Trust and Hope in the Peace Force,” he concluded.
Autor: OSG
Fuente: teleSURtv